Frequently Asked Questions
Do you ship or delivery any of your products?
We do not ship.
We do have multiple pick-up locations on the west side of the Metroplex, including Saginaw, Boyd, and Bowie.
We offer home delivery for a fee. Please see our Shop page for the fee schedule.
How do I order?
Visit the Shop page, read our procedures, and click on the "to order, click here" link in red.
What do you have available?
Chicken. Of course!
We offer whole chickens, parts (wings, breasts, etc), and DIY Broth Bundles (carcasses, with or without feet)
We offer turkeys seasonally (for Thanksgiving and Christmas only)
Are your chickens vegetarian-fed?
Their feed is vegetarian, but chickens are omnivores. Our frequent moves allow the chickens a varied diet of seed heads, as well as grasshoppers, crickets, grubworms, and whatever other critters they find in pasture.
Are your chickens fed GMO feed?
No. Our chickens are fed a non-GMO, non-corn, non-soy feed.
Are your chickens fed an organic feed?
No. The mill we use cannot guarantee that the non-GMO ingredients are also organic ingredients. We get as close to nature as we can. No pesticides or chemicals of any kind are used on our pastures. In fact, our pastures hadn't been maintained for at least 2 to 3 years before we moved in, in 2017. So our pastures have been chemical-free at least since 2017, but probably longer than that.
Are your chickens given any antibiotics, hormones, steroids, or other chemical or synthetic treatments?
No. We aim to be proactive instead of reactive. Frequent moves reduce parasites and parasite risk. Most issues that you hear about (salmonella, e. coli, etc) are typically due to unsanitary living conditions and overcrowding, both of which are nonexistent in a rotational grazing system. IF intervention is necessary (usually due to an injury or weather-induced illness), we use a variety of natural interventions, including colloidal silver, apple cider vinegar, garlic, and various essential oils to treat any non-veterinarian-assisted issues that arise.
You say your chickens are "pastured" or "pasture-raised". What is the difference between this and free-range?
According to the USDA, there is no real difference between free-range or pasture-raised. Both definitions simply state that "access to the outdoors" is required. The definitions are vague on purpose. As swollen as our government is, could you imagine how much worse it would be if they tried to be more specific on some of these definitions--AND attempted to enforce such standards?! On the flip side, vaguery in definitions means an enterprise can have truly free-range chickens, or they can have a small door in a large, packed, industrial coop that a chicken could theoretically stick a foot out of, and this would also be considered free-range or pastured. What are you gonna do? Find the farm your food comes from, and talk to them--or better yet, visit them!!!
So back to how we do things here: free range typically means no real borders or boundaries other than a perimeter fence of some kind. The chickens can go wherever they want, whenever. That's a pretty sweet lifestyle, for sure! But it's not practical here. Pastured typically implies some form of movement through a pasture, rather than "just" a yard (I use that term lightly, as I have friends with many, many acres who free-range their chickens in a front yard that is bigger than the paddocks our chickens get during a rotation.) And our chickens get 1/4-1/2 acre paddocks at a time, rotated about every week or so. They get a lot of space! We do have predators in our area, including neighborhood dogs. We have neighbors with chickens--and roosters. And our property butts up to a highway. So we keep them behind electric netting, away from the road, and we rotate them so they always have fresh pasture.
What about turkeys?
See chicken info. Turkeys get more space, since they're bigger. Turkeys aren't confined to tractors like our meat chickens. We raise broad-breasted turkeys rather than heritage turkeys. Broad-breasted turkeys get 1/8 to 1/4 of an acre per paddock.
I see you have goats. What kind of goats do you have?
We raise Spanish goats, specifically the Syfan bloodline.
Are they meat, dairy, or mohair goats?
Spanish goats are a meat breed, but we raise them with a focus on conservation. All this means is that our goal is to raise goats worthy of being considered breeding stock. Anything that doesn't meet this standard heads off to freezer camp for sustenance for us and others, or is sold as a pet.
What are your goats fed?
Our goats rotationally graze our pasture. They occasionally get alfalfa pellets and sunflower seeds as a treat, especially when we're moving them more than just 1 paddock over. Over the winter, they are fed hay free-choice while still on pasture.
Do you sell beef?
Not at this time, but I can point you in the direction of friendly farmers who do! Check out Dry Valley Dairy in Forestburg, and say hello to my friend Charles!
Do you sell pork?
No, but I can point you in the direction of friendly farmers who do! Dry Valley Dairy in Forestburg typically has pork. And my good friend Jackie Smith at Iron Creek Farm has pork shares available seasonally.
Do you sell produce?
I have a black thumb that I'm working on, so no, not at this time! But I can point you in the direction of friendly farmers who do! Hammer Farms in Bowie runs the Bowie Farmers Market. There are many farmers' markets throughout DFW that offer produce, including Decatur Farm to Market, Cowtown Farmers Market and Saginaw Farmers Market.
What is regenerative ranching, and why should I care what farming practices you use?
Regenerative ranching is a system of rotating multiple species of animals through paddocks in a way that honors their created design, to improve and regenerate the soil, increasing biodiversity above and below, therefore improving pasture, rebuilding topsoil, preventing erosion, capturing carbon, and trapping it in the soil--because carbon dioxide is GOOD for plants!!
Here's an article that talks a little more about regenerative agriculture practices as it relates to growing plants and animals for food.
Do you allow tours?
While we don't currently have an organized curriculum or anything like that, we absolutely love visitors! Since this is a working farm, run primarily by a homeschooling momma, a visit does need to be scheduled in advance. Please contact us at 682.553.7793 or email us at 7ArrowRanch@gmail.com to make arrangements.
I have more questions! Can I get in touch with you?
Of course! Text me at 682.553.7793, or email 7ArrowRanch@gmail.com