Join Our Flock Share Program

When does the
Flock Share Program begin?
The online store opens January 6, 2025
Chicken is available Jan-June
Eggs are available March through June
September through October.
Turkeys are available in November ONLY.
How does it work?
On the 1st Monday of each month, you'll receive an email letting you know the store is open, and give you an overview of what is available.
You'll log into your shopping account, choose from our selection of pastured eggs, whole chickens, various parts (breasts, thighs, etc), and/or DIY Broth Bundles (carcass--choose w/ or w/o feet), and check out.
The store will close at midnight that Wednesday.
Your items will be available for on-farm pick-up, off-farm meet-up, or home delivery on Friday.
Pick-Up/Meet-Up/Delivery Dates are as follows:
Jan 10 (no eggs)
Feb 7 (no eggs)
Mar 7 (eggs, chicken)
Apr 11 (eggs, chicken)
May 9 (eggs, chicken)
June 6 (this may get shifted by a week) (eggs, chicken)
July--Aug--NO DATES
Sept 5 (eggs; chicken IF available)
Oct 10 (eggs; chicken IF available)
Nov 7 (turkeys, and anything else available)
Detailed schedule and pick-up locations are included in your Flock Share Handbook that you receive as part of your Onboarding process.

This is roughly equal to 1 whole chicken a month, for 6 months.
(almost all of my customers choose to add more to their account)
Here's our price list to help you balance your budget with your family's needs.
Remember, as a member, you get 10% ADDED to your account as a THANK YOU for your upfront support!
Forms of payment include cash, check, PayPal and Venmo, due by January 1, 2025.
a monthly share of poultry products
10% in added credit to your Flock Share Buyer’s Account (how you opt-in to our CSA)
The following instructional manuals:
How to defrost your chicken
How to cut a chicken into parts (wings, breasts, etc)
4 Ways to Cook a Chicken From Frozen
Best Practices: How to Store Your Chicken and Eggs
What To Do with Leftovers
A basic roasted chicken recipe
My FAVORITE way to use up miscellaneous cuts of meat that ended up buried in my freezer
My 7 Arrow Rancherita Ranch-Inspired Recipes e-book
Recipes, tips, and/or tricks (sent at least monthly)
Access to other CSA members via social media
An invitation to our annual Farm-to-Fork Family-Style Potluck, held on the 1st Saturday in November
An invitation to participate in other farm events and workshops that may be held (these may include an additional fee. As a CSA member, there would be discount pricing available)
Member Benefits:

2025 Season Registration Is CLOSED.
​Check back with us in September!​
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture
Here at 7 Arrow Ranch, we offer you a monthly subscription program, commonly known as a "CSA share". We call ours a "Flock Share." Because, chickens!!
A Flock Share is, literally, a share--or partial ownership--of our flocks. Think of it as a kind of "investment." When you purchase a share of our flock, you invest in our farm, and your money goes to the feeding, sheltering, nurturing, care, and keeping of your poultry.
For the health and well-being of our flocks, this means regularly gathering eggs (naturally, and seasonally), and the proper care and maintenance of our meat chickens, which includes raising them seasonally, and processing (butchering) them in a timely and humane fashion. Each month, you get a return on your investment in the form of various poultry products--meat and eggs--of your choosing.
​Since you have a partial ownership "stake" in a farm, you understand that there are risks and rewards associated with any investment, including investment in agriculture. Favorable conditions produce larger birds and more eggs. Less than favorable conditions produce smaller birds, a reduction in eggs, or occasionally illness, injury, or even death.
That being said, we do everything we can, of course, to mitigate risk. Because if we don't have chicken available for you, that means we don't have it available for us, either. I like to eat. I don't want to go hungry, or buy chicken from the store, so I'm going to make sure you don't have to either!!
As a Flock Share member, you make a seasonal commitment to us, and in turn we make a commitment to you. Flock Share members take pleasure in knowing where and how their food is grown, and have an open line of communication with us. It is our goal to actively teach our members how to use the food you receive each month.
Here are 5 questions to ask yourself BEFORE joining a CSA/Flock Share program
CSA is perfect for people interested in:
investing in food security;
preparing healthy foods for their families;
supporting their local farmer;
being kind to our planet;
trying new cuts of meat;
being adventurous in the kitchen.
*Pro Tip- when you register for our Flock Share program, you'll receive a complete Onboarding Training that explains everything you need to know about our policies and procedures.